How does it make you feel to know... 

Jesus is HAPPY to be WITH You!

100% of the registration fees will go to support Immanuel Approach Facilitator training for believers (both nationals and missionaries) ministering to those in war-torn countries [or Israel] deeply affected by the conflicts.









YES! I would like to register for the CONNECT WITH JESUS Challenge!

Healing doesn't come from going after trauma...

it comes from connecting with the Healer, Jesus. 


JOIN Face to Face Ministries founders Cathy Little and Melinda Wilson and discover how connecting with Jesus, the healer, is more profound than any attempt to pray pain away.

In this 5-day challenge you will... 

  • Discover how you are hard-wired to live in JOY
  • Explore why the Immanuel Approach is so predictably effective
  • Experience the transformational healing power of connecting with Jesus
  • Envision how a life-giving, joy-fueled community could amplify your healing
  • Find belonging with others who are pursuing heart healing
 Challenge runs Monday May 13, 2024 - Friday May 17, 2024
(12-1 pm PST/ 3-4pm EST)

(Replays available for those who can't attend LIVE)

Join Today!!!

YES! I would like to register for the CONNECT WITH JESUS Challenge!

Dear Friend,

Are you exhausted from journeying alone, trying to fix what feels broken, or chasing trauma to get to healing? 

If breakthrough or peace seem out of reach leaving you in...

  • Shame
  • Fear
  • Pain
  • Loneliness 
  • Bondage 
  • Confusion 
  • Despair
  • Relational Brokenness don't have to stay like this!

Hi. We are Cathy and Melinda, creators of the Connect With Jesus Challenge and we are here to bring you hope. 

There is a way to experience freedom, peace, and joy inside authentic relationships. It comes from connecting with the Healer, Jesus, and allowing him to love you in a way that only he knows you need. 

Sound too simple? 

It can be...

Over the past several years, we have seen countless lives transformed right in front of our eyes - lives that have been forever changed. We want to share with you the simple but profound way we've helped these individuals connect with Jesus.

BEFORE - "No one in the church could help me. I thought it was just me."

AFTER - "I have experienced Jesus WITH me and it has changed everything." 

Since 2019, we have led 1300+ one-on-one and group sessions, mentored over 1000 men and women in how to lead session, and watched Jesus gently bring healing to every person... every time. 

We have been profoundly impacted by this and want to share it with you this week. 

In just 5 days together, we will...

  • Explore how you are hard-wired to live in JOY and demonstrate how to access this for yourself. 
  • Share why the Immanuel Approach tools for inner healing, even in its gentleness, are so predictably effective. 
  • Experience the power of connecting with Jesus, together.
  • Discuss how belonging to a life-giving, joy-fueled community can amplify your healing. 

These 5 days will launch, or accelerate, your own heart healing journey. In fact, you might find yourself wanting to learn how to help others experience the same.

Join us for the 5-day Connect With Jesus Challenge today. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

Cathy & Melinda


The one thing inner healing could never do is erase the memory. This healing session actually impacted the memory by changing it. I now know exactly where Jesus was and what His heart was for me the entire time. 

This memory no longer causes me pain because my heart has been healed. 


 God did above and beyond what I could ask for. It would have taken years of counseling sessions to cover it all. He brought healing, exposed lies, and set me free. 

Thank you Jesus! Thank you Cathy & Melinda


I don't even know where to start! You're changing my life! The decades of fear, shame, and not understanding how to live a normal life, have kept me living in solitude. I'll forever be thankful.

I know I am healing from the trauma and you've given me some tools to help the process. 


My experience was positively life altering, and I don’t know that I can ever go back to being just a ‘church lady’. My life direction is crystal clear at last. Jesus is truly with us all the time, and my eyes have been opened. I want more of this!


After struggling with bitterness and hatred for nearly 25 years, I met Jesus face to face, received inner healing, and found a freedom and peace I hadn’t thought possible. So thankful that God led me to Face to Face Ministries!


Let me just say that what I experienced was life-changing. I was blessed beyond measure and was brought to a whole new level. Words cannot express my gratitude.

Come taste and see.

Jesus is better than you think!

YES! I would like to register for the CONNECT WITH JESUS Challenge!

Meet Your Hosts

Cathy Little & Melinda Wilson

  • Carry the fragrance of their own unique stories of redemption, restoration, and healing. 
  • Trained/Mentored over 1000 men & women with the Immanuel Approach tools.
  • Facilitated a combined 1000+ sessions. 
  • Published authors of "Streams of Healing: Finding Your Way to Wholeness with Key Leaders in the Inner Healing Movement."
  • Hosts of the popular Face to Face Ministries Podcast which has almost 250,000 downloads.
  • Melinda is an avid walker/hiker and lover of adventure.
  • Cathy is a guitar player and singer who has led worship for over 35 years. 
  • Both love to travel and explore the wonder of creation.
  • Both are passionate to see people healed and free!
YES! I would like to register for the CONNECT WITH JESUS Challenge!