a vibrant community dedicated to helping you fill your tank with


through interactive exercises, meaningful encounters with Jesus, and genuine relationships.

We are cultivating resilience and joy TOGETHER!




  • Grow your understanding of the power of APPRECIATION
  • Help you build a GRATITUDE habit
  • Increase your relational and emotional RESILIENCE 
  • Expand your capacity for JOY

We invite you to join us.



In order to support these goals, we have 5 opportunities (offered at various times and with various frequency) for Thank Tank Members to engage in Appreciation & Gratitude.


Build a habit of APPRECIATION & GRATITUDE into your life with this monthly group appreciation exercise.

Experience the power of appreciation as it is amplified, deepened, and enhanced as you learn to savor every detail.

Watch it literally transform your life as you build emotional resilience, experience greater joy, strengthen your relationships, and deepen your connection with Jesus. 

NOTE: These sessions are recorded and replays available for you to revisit as often as you like. 


Engage in a life-giving, maturity-building exercise in real time with real community. With APPRECIATION & GRATITUDE as your starting point, learn how to give language to what's happening in your heart, and grow in your ability to  offer space and support to the others in your small group. 

This relational experience helps us grow in our ability to show up and simply be, connect honestly with what we're feeling, be with others without fixing them, and build deep connections with others.

NOTE: Just Be is for Ladies only. For the Men, we have the "18:24 Connection" led weekly by Robert Alston. These gatherings will NOT be recorded.


Appreciation & Gratitude escort us into the mind & heart space to encounter Jesus in a tangible, interactive way. From there, He leads us to what He knows we need. 

This group experience allows us to not only heal through our own interaction with Jesus, but to also witness the depth and breadth of Jesus' gentle and loving kindness by hearing how he met with others during the exercise.

NOTE: These sessions will be recorded and available for replay. We invite you to use the replays as a way to interact with Jesus using art or words, black pen or colored pencils, ink or watercolor, paper or canvas... You decide.


Exercise your  Appreciation & Gratitude muscles with intentional 5-15 minute daily, weekly, or monthly practices.  Using prompts with a specific focus, and engaging with thought-provoking questions will help you deepen your appreciation.

This regular practice will not only increase your capacity but will also benefit those around you.


Explore the depth and breadth of the impact of Appreciation & Gratitude through relevant workshops. Three times a year we will unpack how increasing your capacity with appreciation and gratitude impacts your joy, peace, physical body, emotions, relationships and more. 

This training informs the left brain and is only as powerful as the experience of appreciation and its impact in the right brain. It is a wonderful compliment to the other four activities in the Thank Tank Community. 


The Powerful Impact of Appreciation


~ Julia

The Practice of APPRECIATION has rewired my brain. It wasn't that wonderful moments weren't happening, it's that they were happening without me noticing or enjoying them. 

I've learned to become aware of how amazing it is to be fully PRESENT in Appreciation.

And I'm teaching my children how to do this too!

~ Stacey 

I recently led a group of ladies through an Appreciation exercise to ready us for our time together. Each checked in more relaxed, less anxious, and more joyful AFTER the Appreciation. 

We concluded that to to be PRESENT to WHAT IS required we let go of WHAT IF.

Powerful realization!

~ Megan

Since practicing appreciation on a regular basis, I feel the difference in my life. My husband and I practice together because shared joy is so good for our brains. 

Even now as I sit in silence, I'm grateful for a birdsong serenading me as I sip my steaming hot cup of coffee. 

What a gift!

Dear Friend, 

Did you know that engaging in intentional APPRECIATION & GRATITUDE is the most effective way to increase joy, build authentic relationships, and connect with Jesus? It's not just us saying this. It is backed by proven brain science, and supported by biblical principles.

Over the years, we have seen countless people experience profound transformation in their lives as a result of growing in APPRECIATION & GRATITUDE. We want you to experience it too. 

We invite you to join our community today. It will literally change your life! 

We'll see you there! 

Cathy and Melinda 

Co-Directors, Face to Face Ministries

A community of Jesus followers experiencing the impact of intentional APPRECIATION & GRATITUDE, building joy and sharing it with others.

Thank Tank


Monthly Payment

  • Weekly Gratitude Challenges
  • Immanuel Expressions (monthly)
  • Just Be (monthly)
  • Group Immanuel Connection (monthly)
  • Three Workshops (one a trimester)
  • Supportive online community


YES! I want to be a part of THANK TANK!

Thank Tank


Annual Payment

  • 2 Months FREE
  • Weekly Gratitude Challenges
  • Immanuel Expressions (monthly)
  • Just Be (monthly)
  • Group Immanuel Connection (monthly)
  • Three Workshops (one a trimester)
  • Supportive online community
YES! I want to be a part of THANK TANK!
If you aren’t completely satisfied with your Thank Tank membership, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund. No questions asked.